March 4 2022 Link Roundup

Here are some links to interesting articles I found on the web this past week.

Fitbit Recall

The Fitbit Ionic has been overheating and burning people. Please go to the official recall page if you own a FitBit Ionic. Even if the smartwatch/smart tracker has not been heating up or burning you, I would not mess around with this kind of issue. Go and turn it in before you or someone else gets hurt.

EV News

Electric vehicle news? Always. Panasonic will soon be making Tesla's higher capacity batteries, Ford may be splitting into two separate divisions, and Sony & Honda are teaming up to make electric vehicles.

Sony and Honda plan to make electric vehicles together
Sony gets serious about EVs.

New Wi-Fi Standard

I just got upgraded to Wi-Fi 6, and Wi-Fi 7 is already around the corner. Technology marches on along with new IEEE standards! Here's to hoping they keep releasing Wi-Fi standards that are easy to describe to non-techies.

Wi-Fi 7 Is Coming, and Here’s Why You Should Care
Faster wireless connectivity is heading our way. Yes, again.

Entertainment News

Anthony Mackie is playing the protagonist in an upcoming Twisted Metal series that will be streaming on Peacock

AND last but not least, another new Pokemon game is slated to release in holiday 2022! Take a look at the official announcement trailer below!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay safe!